Wednesday, March 01, 2006

OMG I'm back! Sorta

So my boredom is very tide-like these days, it comes and it goes with every game I've found. So, my primary account never ran out, and I turned the billing back on, so I'll be in and about from time to time. Unfortunately most of my favorite chars were on my secondary account, but I don't feel like turning it on until I cancel billing on WoW (if).

I was going to try and get my em/stone brute to 40, but after an hour or two of playing her last night I'm pretty sick of the annoyance that is rooted and the weakness that is non 38+ stone brute defenses. Mostly against cot...on a two 32 brute team we were pasting difficulty 3 &5 missions, then died about 3 times in a diff 5 mish that we turned down and restarted at 3, then finally at 1 (for teh win. bleh :P). Not to mention I still hate 'bega like a crazy politician.

Life goes on!