Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sythe come back!

I saw Sythe drop in and post a comment on my near-forgotten blog...what are the odds of snaring him again? We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woot! he responds! hey bud look me up I have returned and I must say I was dissapointed with COH but I bought COV and am addicted and having fun. still on pinnacle, feeling bad for my heroes but the COV ATs are frikin fun. I haven't dedicated myself to any one character yet too busy figuring out what I wanna be, heavily leaning towards an MM hope to play with ya soon bud. send sythe an in game email with your main toons name and i'll look ya up. as always I play late, usually after midnight central time. great to be back hope to kick some hero ass with ya soon