Tuesday, December 26, 2006

thug/ sickness

Trinity & I wound up going with an all thug/ mm team on Champion. We each have a thug/trap (primary) & a thug/ff. We are up to 14 so far after only about 2-3 playsessions (~9 hours?) and kicking serious ass. Difficulty up to vicious at level 12, we could probably go to relentless but believe it or not we're trying not to level too fast - we already missed 2 badges! With 4 enforcers, so far we are stacking +12% tohit buffs & +28% defense on all the pets, if City of Data is to be believed, and it has been fairly accurate so far. Not to mention leadership buffs from the players soon to be factored in...

Looking forward to ff gen @ 16, flamer pet at 18, dispersion at 20, 2nd enforcer at 24, 3rd tier pet at 26...basically good stuff all around!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Theme/bot teams

I've got a few theme/bot teams going in the low levels that would rock even more with more matching members, so I thought I'd throw the invite out.

On Infinity [hero side] I've got a duo of containment exploiting controllers. The whole here is just to abuse containment, since that's what it's there for. I've got fire/sonic & ice/sonic. At lvl 16 enemies should be at the -res cap (with stacked disruption fields on the main char), leading to 4x damage - containment + -50%ish resists. I believe trinity said he's going to make a fire/ff and something else. I'd like a second fire/ff if possible. But any fire/ is fine. I suppose someone should make a fire/kin just for the sickness factor. And siphon power is very very good early game. The character theme here is science heroes family vibe, like Tom Strong meets the Fantastic Four. My two characters are husband/wife Max & Min Wilson, so if someone wanted to make a kid or a cousin or a weird uncle, whatever. Tech/Sci origin preferred, but if you can work it into the story (like see all the extended cast in the Noble Family) it's all good. The screenshot (brightness adjusted) is Max, if you want an idea of what my costume looks like.

Over on Protector [villain side] I've got 2 level 8 nec/ff masterminds. The theme here is the untouchable ravening undead. Zombie chaos and all that. So the characters are vampires/liches/necromancers (mine in particular are vamps). Any other chars would also be nec/bubble - once we hid 4 with so's thats about 44% def vs. everything at level 23. Only build requirements are dispersion @ 20, & assault before 14. At least one of mine will have tactics, so others probably won't be needed. But grabbing man/tac wouldn't hurt.

Anyway, let me know if you would want to join up - it would be a pretty casual thing, as I'm a known altaholic. So maybe 1-2 sessions at week, unless we get carried away, which would be a good thing.