Thursday, December 01, 2005

/darks: 24 and counting

We hit 24 tonight and added our 5th (6th if you count nec spirit) pets to the mix - always a wonderful feeling anytime you get noticeably more powerful. Sure, the tier 2s lose a level, but that visceral satisfaction from the broadsword swings is doubled now, so I think we can call it even. Double bubbles for the pets from the prot bots are also handy - I'm guessing 2 of them nets you about 5-7% defense.

We are having no problems triading vicious, but I'm waiting until SOs to try bumping it up to level 5 (I forget the name). We did Ballista-1 tonight with pretty much no problem and another elite boss last night..the scrapyarder lt whose name I have forgotten - she was also nice and tasty zombie food.

Above is a shot of the /darks & pets with their usual teaming partner. You can't really tell what any of us look like though because we are in disguise. I was highly amused running around looking like a galaxy. Close ups on costumes below:

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