Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fiiiiirrrrrrrrrrre! (and other goodness)

Our trio of mastersmashers hit 32 tonight, and I got to spend about 20-30 mins with each of mine afterwards examining each of the pets and their final upgrades. First off, some screen shots of the fully buffed army:

It may be hard to see everything, but detailed shots of all the buffed pets are out there elsewhere on the net anyway. Graves & Lich pick up nice red eye glow, zoms get red glowy hands. Tier 1 bots look about the same, tier 2s get a little glowy lightning rod thing on their backs. Assault gets a big fatass missile launcher that is kind of hard to miss.

Not sure abouth the mercs, ask PoD.

The breakdown:
Zombies: They use their life drain a lot - it's a great improvement, versus a non mobile enemy their cycle looks like spit/punch/heal rinse & recycle. If the target moves mid cycle, they will often restart on a spit or punch. Basically - if the target is not moving they will use the heal whenever it comes up. Damage on the heal (siphon life) is just barely less than clobber too (and more versus smashig resist enemies), so it's a great addition to their arsenal. I think it was healing them about 79 points.
Graves: They use siphon life very rarely, and apparently only if starting at range - ie right before charging into melee. This needs more testing but that's how it looked to me. In melee they will just cycle the sword attacks - which provides a practically constant damage stream. Damages were something like 44/53/~60/83 versus evens I believe. I did see them both crit, one after the other, for 108/108 with a debuff out at once point. So - definitely an improvement, but I wish they would cycle the heal in combat - with 1 so it healed them about 150 points.
Lich: Well, he basically still sucks, but now he sucks a little less. The upgrade adds Petrifying Gaze (hold) and Fearsome Stare (cone fear), which he appears to just tack on to the end of his cycle - so Life Drain/tentacles/torrent/ / dark blast. Sort of like the zombies, if a target moved he would restart his attack cycle from the lowest available power in that list. Not that exact order everytime, but that seemed to be the gist of it. I do feel that Necromancy has plenty of damage though - so having the lich not be a damage whore (although tents with 3 damages does about 30-40 points after all the ticks) is ok.

Battle Drones
: They get a laser full auto. I couldn't tell if it had KB on it or not, but it looked like it did not. The damage is very low - about 2pts per tick versus evens, but it appears to do at least 10-15 ticks. The cone is very thin, but decently long. It won't hit targets far to the left or right of center, but will hit about 3 or 4 enemies deep. A nice addition to their arsenal.
Protector Bots: They get seeker drones and a disorient grenade. The grenades recharge pretty fast, but only do about 30 points to even cons. The disorient from them is not 100% either - both would hit a lt, and he would still sometimes be ok. Their seeker drone usage is strange and erratic, not to mention amusing because they bubble the drones. I couldn't tell how they chose to send the drones to attack or not - sometimes they would just summon them and the drones would follow them around forever, never detonating, other times they would fly off immediately. The drones are -acc, -dmg and do minor energy damage (also might be - something else I forget). They did come much closer to running out of end, and caused me to debate swapping out their 3rd acc for an end reducer. A decent addition, but not as powerful as the grave (or jonin) upgrade. Which I think is just fine because all that aoe adds up real quick especially from the
Assault Bot: Wow. I did not think a ranged mm would be this fun. Woah. Seriously. They get two different rockets - one a standard aoe damage rocket, and the other one that causes a burn patch to appear under each target in its aoe - and these patches stack. Couple that with tar patch (or caltrops, glue + sonic arrow, etc.) and you have some nasty, nasty damage. The recharge on both these rockets is not bad at all - sometimes I saw them come up 2x in the same fight. When the fight lasted that long. Wow, seriously a ton of fun just running around outdoors burning shit up. Even with the acc penalty from gfly I was mincing even con bosses. Can't wait to do some more tomorrow.

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