Sunday, October 23, 2005

brief ED testing

Respecced a few characters over on test recently:

39 fire/stone - I can still solo EVEN spawns with 1-2 bosses in Eden, so I suppose that still means I'm over where the Devs want me. However - I rely heavily on inspirations to do this.
*The damage on the tanker aoes was always low, but now it is low to the point where I'm tempted not to take it. Luckily on this tank there is nothing else worth taking, so I suppose I'll hold on to it.
*End usage seemed ok, especially considering I was running BA, FS, PS, acro, CJ, & tough. Consume every 90 seconds or so meant I only had to pop a few blues per fight.
*Overall, I've survived multiple burn nerfs (finally got rid of it - only 5 useful powers in fire primary now!), res cuts, tough/weave nerf & end cost increase, etc. So, it can't get that much worse right? :) He'll survive.

34 ma/da - Luckily this char was already build without hasten, and only had 4 slots in stamina, so no loss here and I swapped thunder kick for CAK. The damage boosts on CAK, CK & EC were night, too bad they came with a recharge increase. End usage here is pretty bad - 3 shields + CoF, CD & Acro mean I use lots of blues. I have end red in all my attacks too.

33 ice/ss - I really don't notice the defense hit much. Why? Because my defense was already horrible! I'm debating finally getting rid of icicles, the damage is just so bleh now without 5 slots + rage. However, it is still the only aoe I have, and for the amount of time it takes me to kill bosses now (still less time than my fire/stone though), I figure that it will knock off half a mininos hp or so. I do of course miss my hasten - luckily rage is just about perma with 3, and hibernate is up often enough to protect me during the rage drop.

Gladiator arena matches are amusing! Now what they really need to do is make every single enemy in the game available to use in the arena like so and you'll have a real pokemon thing going here. As it is right now it looks like only 29ish enemies are available out of how many? Must be at least 100. Each one of them is a unique and special snowflake and would be fun to muck with in the arena. Even more so if I could directly assume control over one of them and use their powers...mmmmmmm tasty.

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