Thursday, October 13, 2005


So why a Co[x] blog? Because I realized that a lot of the things I want to talk about are CoX related, and I have no one near me in the real world who gives a pinched shit about it. So, I figured that out in the infinite bleakness of cyberself that such people exist, and might even be interested in whatever I have to rant about.

My CoH background: I started in the pre-order beta, and only made a few characters to level 12 or so (grav/storm and dark/dark I think...), and I only got to see a little bit of the Rikti Invasion. But it was still fun! I was a student back then, so I had an inordinate amount of time to play (because I did my work so efficiently and all ;) ), and I was/am a full time confirmed altaholic. I hopped back and forth between characters for months, unable to decided what to make my primary. My oldest character still remaining is Edge of Reason, a BS/Regen I started first week and played up to 19 or so.

At some point in there I figured out that controllers were CoH's pet class, so I instantly rolled up a few. More background: I am a pet WHORE. Every mmorpg I have played I gravitate towards the pet classes and stay there. 53 Necro in EQ, 42ish bonedancer in DaoC, and an alt of every other pet possibility at lesser levels. In fact, the only reason I played DaoC was for the possibility of a multi-pet class (bonedancer) - one which completely did NOT live up to the expectations I had for it.

My first controller was King Lobster, fire/storm. He made it up to about 16 or so until, when grouping with a friend (ill/emp), I saw PA in action and realized that ills got their pets 14 levels earlier than fire. So, an ill/rad [Man from Room X] was born. I played this character pretty solid up through 35, constantly TFing (I think I did Bastion 4 times in one day at some point) for the cash to buy encs. Man I do not miss those days of not being able to afford full enhancements! Although CoV is due to bring those joys back soon... :) Anyway, around 35 I realized I had enough spare cash to start funding some alts, so I moved back over to King Lobster and played him with a group of friends (Adeptus Astartus SG, now all but defunct, but 2 or 3 of us are still around) pretty solid to 50. I *think* I hit 50 on November 14th (No, I'm not a total tool - I remember the exact date because it was my birthday!).

I should mention that I had/have a second account, which was originally for my wife. She got bored around lvl 10-14ish though, so I took over the account and started filling up those slots since I had already used up all 8 on pinnacle. I had also figured out the powerleveling/9 level thing at some point, so I was looking forward to using the second account to help new alts along (because I'm impatient and spastic and usually too bored to play chars below 22 ;) ). So you can tell I have zero problems with powerleveling - as long as you do it yourself and keep fucking quiet about it. Beggars of any form will always be trash, and PL beggars are the worst. I especially have zero problem with PLing if you've already put in the time to get one 50 and play through every ounce available content (I even started documenting all the missions...yes I know I'm scary) at the time. No, I STILL haven't done a single shadow shard tf, I was never that motivated - especially with my 50, once a char hits 50 they are pretty done for me. Sure, I did 20 or 30 hami raids, but that was mostly to farm hami's for my 47 ;).

The highest char on that second account is Devil's Luck, a 47 fire/ff I pretty much pure PL'd to 32, and then solo'd and used to pl other chars from there. I've also got (in order of creation): a 35 ice/rad, a 42 earth/kin and a 33 grav/storm. There was a fire/kin that got deleted around 27 too. So, when I say I'm pretty confident about my knowledge of controllers (barring mind/! I readily admit that I have little desire to play a mind and only know about them only from extensive teaming with them). I've also got a 39+ fire/stone tank, a 38 dark/dark (gotta collect all the pets! ;) ), 34 ma/da, 34 human form warshade, 38 ice/nrg blaster, 27 ar/ice blaster, 22 earth/axe tank, 31 bubble/rad def, 33 elec/dev blaster, 24 sonic/elec blaster and a 32 spines/dark scrapper I'm moderately working on now.

Now that I'm out of school and working full time (and married!), I have much less play time, so my characters aren't exactly rocketing up the charts like they used to but, for the foreseeable future, this is still my game of choice. Especially when CoV hits. I won't break the NDA, but I will say that I think people will be relatively pleased. If there was a second charge for CoV, I would cancel my CoH accounts and just move to CoV.

That's the basics of my background, a bit wordy for a first blog, but we'll see where it goes from here. I'll be primarily ranting about the City of ... world, but I'm sure some other stuff will be creeping in from time to time.

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