Thursday, November 17, 2005

31 and counting...

So I finally hit 31 last night - leveling has slowed down quite a bit since the only non-hazard mission available to me turned up with a bugged door. My very first newspaper mission in St. Martial happens to have a door that won't open for any reason (yes, I tried reselecting the mission many many times). Joy! I petitioned about it Monday, got a response Tuesday, replied back and still haven't heard from them or had the mission fixed. So I filed a really pissed petition last night. Not normally my style but hey - I want to focus on this character, I want to miss as few arcs as possible, I work and only have about 2 hours a night to play oh, and I'm PAYING for this. So yeah...fix me asshats - just delete the fucking mission from my character, I'm sure it's not that hard. Or autocomplete it for me, I've had GMs do that before and it took all of 1 second.

Other than that, still enjoying the character and very curious about what 32 will bring. Looking forward to char on the oni and more sword swinging knockdown goodness for my joeys. Heck, even crane kick on my lowies sounds good - couple all that KB with oni rain of fire and joey caltrops and ninja MMs are the new illusion controllers with enemies running every which way. I'm surprised to have played a character this far without stamina or hasten - it hasn't been easy and I'm full of annoyance while I wait for end frequently, but I do have 3 more powers...I may drop leadership & rez for stamina, I don't know it's a tough choice.

I've tried soloing with my 15 merc/ff a little bit (I usually bot him and bubble my 15 em/stone brute) and WOW is he slow - at least versus certain enemies. Do not try freak (or CoT I hear) missions as Merc mm if you don't have a damage resist debuff (and still, probobably not a good idea) - the lethal resists on these enemies means we take literally forever to kill minions, let alone LTs and bosses.

The call of alts is forever tempting...but I'm sticking with King Venom until 33 at least - I'm really curious what a pull power ninja primary will be like. Of course, I'm also curious to see the 35 & 38 ninja powers, but we'll see if my patience holds out that long.

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