Sunday, November 20, 2005

Dual boxing is fun!

I started another duo tonight, bot/dark and nec/dark, and played them up to 8 with a friend's merc/ta. It was fun having the diverse pets, as well as stacking tar pits and darkest nights! We've already turned the missions up to vicious and aren't having any problems.

KV hit 32 a few nights back (the 3rd one in our sg - but by now we've got a 34 or too) and I've had some time to play with the 32 ninja pet buff. Let me tell you - if you thought joey's were satisfying before, just wait until you see them leaping into the air doing Golden Dragonflys all over the place - grace and damage! They look so cool doing it I've been prompted to create some kind of sword stalker, not sure about secondary though...all I know is I don't want SR because SR is boring and doesn't get all their defenses until 35 (YECH!). Although I guess stalkers can skimp on defenses but whatever....

Anyway - 2 caltrops + oni's ring of fire is some nice aoe damage. The trick is to get it all started by having them attack something that won't die right off, like a LT, then switching the targets (say to a boss), all 3 of those will last until the LT dies or they wear off (which is a pretty decent duration - certainly better than the 10 seconds it takes to kill a minion or lt), doing wonderful sprays of tiny numbers and tearing up those enemy feet and hair pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OT: Is Manny Pacquiao really retiring now that he has won the senatorial seat? You can still watch his videos at his official youtube channel. Check out Oscar De La Hoya visiting Manny Pacquiao here.