Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Mastermind goodness

So I've been playing a nin/pois mastermind (among other things) as my main lately - forcing myself to focus on a single character even! And I'm having a blast. I skipped stamina (for the first time since my first character learned the hard way how necessary it was) and, while limping for breath often enough, am quite survivable and able to solo Viscious (level 3) without too many problems. Scrapyarder lts & bosses are fun though - everyone loves aoe with burn patches!

Then they went and finally fixed pet upgrade enhancing (basically, enhancements had zero effect on powers granted to your pets by the lvl6 & 32 powers - now they act as expected) and life got even better. Now I don't feel that I'm uber or anything, but XP is definitely moving at a good pace - however that is usually the case through the twenties. However, usually I have full SOs at 22 - the pace I am seeing now is about equal to full SO'd-CoH-pre-i5 leveling speed. I can get 2 bubbles in an hour without too much work, 3 if I work at it. Probably more if I try seriously. But more importantly I'm having fun - even though jennys (genins) look like idiot-friendly-smileyass-pansies, they still get the job done and their piddly disorients are welcome CC. Joeys on the other hand are awesome - I love that switch-swatch-snicker-snack sound their swords make like the morbidly obese love butter! I usually team with a ninja/dark and the sound of 4 joey blades snicker-snacking through minion flesh is villianously satisfying.

I'm strongly hoping to get my oni tonight and can't freakin wait. Although the news that it's going to cost us $800 to keep our $2000 car running is morbidly depressing. Sigh. Well at least the oni is enough to keep me thinking too hard about that. Still depressing though. Sigh. Yarrrr! Ninja snacks!!!

Our SG base is coming along - although everything is morbidly expensive. Obviously, morbidly is the word of the day. Everyone scream and jump around like a public exibitionist! It costs something like 800-900k to get a medical teleport up and functioning. 150k each for 3 rooms - control, energy and medical, then 225k for the energy generator, 150k for control computer & 10k for the med teleporter itself. All these so lowbies without travel powers can get back to the missions they died in. Hmmm, doesn't seem quite worth it does it? Consider that we have had an active SG since the 1st night of the 3 day head start and that most of us are in our mid 20s now (8-10ish of us) plus several teens and you begin to see the quandry a small SG made up of just say, friends or family would be in. RETARDED! And I mean that in the most mentally handicapped sense of the word - not this crazy party/hiphopspeakin where retarded is a good drunken time had by all. I'm talking non-pc morally offensive to make fun of RETARDED!

Anyway, on with life.

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