Monday, November 21, 2005

Boxers move on to tier 2 pets..

Hit 12 last night with my /dark duo - me & my friends Merc/TA are tearing through vicious missions quite well.

Came across something I consider a dev SNAFU though - the only way to get to the Radio contact on PO is evidently through Bocor - so if you choose one of the other two and then hit level 12 (as we did), you miss out on the only PO contact that will go to 14 or 15 (I think...). Frustrating and annoying. But hey, we leveled, life goes on :).

This is my first chance to play with the protector bot, and I'm liking him. True the bubbles aren't much defense at all - posts I've seen suggest 3-4%, but I really hope it's higher. Still, stacked bubbles will net us 6-8% + 2 3 res slotted shadowfalls will be 4-6% or so, hopefully giving the group at least 12.5% taking us right back to where shadowfall was unslotted ages ago....(I think). Fun stuff!

I'm still holding out on playing King Venom (chilling at 32) until they fix the goddam respec trial. Grumble grumble. I can level him just fine as it is, I would just prefer to get my respec out of the way so I can enjoy my new power set up, not ponder how useful it would have been when I respecced at 40. Some sgmates are hitting 35 and 36, should have 40s soon, hopefully I'll be 40 by the end of the year, that's my only vagueish goal with him. I've heard that the 35 power is crap, so I'm bummed about that, but I'll test it on test server at 35 and just hope it's not.

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