Friday, November 11, 2005

Still a mastermind...

Ok, so I'm still 26. I got my oni a few nights ago and finally had some time to test him out last night, although only in a big (5 mm/2-3 others) group setting. In this context pets seem to pretty much blur together, and it's hard to tell what is doing what. However, I can usually tell when Fred the Oni (his name for now) uses fire breath because the range is huge and bunches of nice little numbers pop up.

First impression of him is not that impressed, but not dissapointed either - I mean I knew what his powers would be ahead of time so it's hard to be let down. However his ai can be frustrating, he loves just standing in place and chaining the obscenely low damage Ring of Fire. This happens at mid-range - at long range he will use his fire blast, but for some reason he forgets about it entirely at mid-range. He will, at least, use Breath of Fire when it becomes available, but it has a noticably long recharge.

I still think he looks badass, even if others hate him. As has been covered in numerous threads, he is also historically/culturally accurate as far as the whole Japanese ninja mythology bit goes. People can dislike him fine, but stop bitching about not fitting in with the ninja idea. Maybe he doesn't fit with your idea of a ninja, but that's not what they were working for was it? :P

I'll leave you with a screen shot of my least favorite current live bug, the mastermind-pet-Cot-portal-overload bug. This is from the aforementioned 5 mm/2-3 extra team I mentioned above. Note that this is only half or 1/3 of the spawn or so, we had already killed many of them (and the portal itself is long dead):

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOOT! That's me in the lower right corner, just standing there looking all suave and all! GO TEAM EVIL!!!